Are video games addicting. It has become an issue in today’s society that children spend less and less time outdoors playing or doing something athletic. Because of this one could even deduce that this has led to fatter and unhealthier children. But is this the cause of video game addiction. Would people rather stay inside and play video games then go outside and play a sport?
With an increase in video games it is important to study whether or not these forms of entertainment can be addicting, and if so how can we counter act it? An increase in video games means that we lose something else instead. I recently saw a TED talk about this and the future of society and children. The speaker announced that the old ways that our grandparents and parents had grown up with are gone. No longer will kids spend a quiet afternoon reading a book. Is this loss of society a change for the better?
Through this study I intend to discover really if video games are addicting and how we can stop the addiction. If they are not, what will this mean for the future of society and culture? The ancient Greeks believed in a balance of everything. A balance between strength, mind, and soul were important to them. Perhaps we will need a balance between videogames and outdoor activity.
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